The People I’m Learning From

These leaders in the Wellness Industry have greatly enhanced my life.

Learn more about them, find links to their impactful books and podcasts, and more below!

Coaching & Psychology

Dr. Jordan Peterson

Clinical psychologist and professor that researches and discusses various philosophical and psychological topics in relation to current culture 

Dr. Brené Brown

Professor at the University of Houston with a masters in social work and author of six NYT bestsellers, Brené is known for her research on topics such as vulnerability and shame 

Keith Webb: Creative Results Management

Doctorate in Intercultural Leadership Development and founder of Creative Results Management, a Christian, cross-cultural coaching company

Dr. Marcia Reynolds

Coach to executives and leaders of organizations across the globe; president of Covisioning, LLC 

International Coaching Federation

Global leading coaching organization providing professional training certifications.

Faith and Culture 

The Bible Project

Loads of excellent free resources on “understanding the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.” The Bible Project offers engaging podcasts, videos, guides, courses, and more that extensively cover all ranges of topics in the Bible.

John Mark Comer

A teacher and writer on the practices of Jesus, John Mark has greatly impacted my understanding of faith and my desire to walk closer with Jesus. John Mark tactifully combines sound theology, relevant cultural application, and tangible wisdom in his teachings.

Dr. Heather Holleman

Sadie Robertson


Dr. Andrew Huberman

Dr. Robert Waldinger, MD

Business and Entrepreneurship 

Jim Collins

James Clear

Greg McKeown

Hal Gregersen