A Blank Page

I am amazed at how quickly I overcomplicate things. For example, as I was getting ready Friday, I realized I only had three more days to write my blog post, and I did not have any strong ideas. I wanted to share a lesson that would be helpful to people, and suddenly I was bent on searching for a profound lesson from my week. However, I only became more overwhelmed, and then I acknowledged that I needed to pause for a moment. So I put away my laptop, put my phone on do not disturb, and took out my journal. Upon journaling, I began to consider my gratitude for the simplicity of writing out my thoughts on a blank page.

I often undervalue the moments in which I stop to consider my thoughts. Yet I can only go a few days without having a moment to pause and reflect before I feel drained. About two months ago, I was in a life coaching Zoom class, and I was prompted to think of a goal to talk through for a 15-minute practice session. At the time, I was starting to enjoy doing Pilates workouts from a girl I found on YouTube. So I decided that I wanted to work on being more consistent in my Pilates workouts. Upon being asked about the relevance and importance of this goal, I discovered that I felt as if I had little control over some areas of my life and setting aside time for myself to do Pilates each week was a direct solution. I had little awareness that this goal would be connected to such a deep topic for me prior to this practice session, and I was brought to tears once I saw how easily I could incorporate Pilates into my schedule.

I am seeing that a blank page or a listening ear offer me space to make my thoughts tangible while easing the pressure I often put on myself when solely processing in my head.


The Gap Between My Standards and Reality


Start With Where You Are