Why We Must Not Downplay Celebration and Imagination

The other day, a client was excitedly sharing with me new insights they gained from taking action on some things we discussed in the previous session. As they spoke, a lightness came over their face. I then asked them how they may celebrate their accomplishments and they responded, “Well it feels weird to celebrate myself. I’m not sure how I could do that.” 

Many of us are not often prompted to celebrate ourselves. However, taking a few moments to acknowledge what we did well increases our confidence in our ability to achieve further growth. Psychology affirms that our brains are fluid, and we physically rewire our brains as we move forward from areas we once felt stuck in. Through encouraging recognition of our achievements, the coaching process provides a way for us to form new habits and new thinking processes. 

Coaching also promotes lasting change through engaging the imagination. Similar to celebration, most of us have little opportunity to entertain our hopes outside of our own heads. Coaches exist to help people determine what their idea of success looks like, and to figure out what is holding them up in the present from living this out. While engaging the client in an optimistic frame of mind, the coach grants the client freedom to create this state of achievement. The client’s hopes then become tangible as the coach guides them to apply practical action steps that move towards this favorable state. 

Ultimately, celebration and imagination may be practiced through simple tasks. Yet routinely incorporating these principles empowers one to live more fully aligned to their potential.


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