In My Pockets

When I think of pockets, I think of how we use them to store items from recent events. Typically, we keep items in our pockets only until we find a more permanent place for them. Pockets may hold a wide variety of items across short spans of time. 

I think of experiences as items we carry in our pockets. We walk around with our recent experiences in temporary storage until interaction with another person sparks us to take them out and share them. Ultimately, we have the ability to choose the items we take out of our pockets. But I am more likely to share the items that left a big impression on me.

As we empty out and fill our pockets with new items often, we lose sight of the significant feelings we had for special items that were once in our pockets. Similarly, I notice that the farther away I move from an impactful experience, the less meaningful my feelings associated with that event become. In my faith, I believe the Bible emphasizes how I am to renew my mind in God’s word, which implies I grow in a deeper relationship with Him, because of this tendency I have. Further, the more connected I am to Him, the more likely I am to have recent evidence of His work in my life stored in my pocket. Other experiences remain in the mixture of items in my pocket, but the items marked by Him carry a light and comforting weight. As the items He’s marked stay among the mixture of other items in my pocket, I feel more confident in my belief in Him. Thus, I can more authentically share my faith with others. 

Right now, I am thankful that I have recent experiences with God to share my belief in Him to others with confidence. However, this feeling of assurance falters as I have also been in places where seeking Him is harder. Yet He knows my tendencies because of the guidelines to renew my mind He has already set in place. And I am struck by His deep care for me.


Authenticity Works


Thoughts are the Beginning of All Actions