The People I’ve Learned From

In my pursuit of learning what overall wellness looks like, my knowledge has expanded greatly due to the minds and hearts of several professionals. Through differing backgrounds of expertise, each of these leaders point from a different perspective towards the overarching need for personal development in our culture. I consider the below the start to a journal of these people and their work. I attached links to their recent podcasts and books that I hope you find useful.

Please note that, for the most part, I linked each professional’s most recent book, and many of them have written several other books that are also very worthy of checking out. Additionally, if there are any other people that come to your mind as you read through my list, please share them with me! At the very end of this blog, I have also posted a link to this collaborative Spotify playlist with many of these people’s podcasts included, so please go ahead and add in a favorite podcast of yours! 

The People:

Coaching & Psychology

Dr. Marcia Reynolds

Coach to executives and leaders of organizations across the globe; president of Covisioning, LLC 

Dr. Jordan Peterson

Clinical psychologist and professor that researches and discusses various philosophical and psychological topics in relation to current culture 

Dr. Brené Brown

Professor at the University of Houston with a masters in social work and author of six NYT bestsellers, Brené is known for her research on topics such as vulnerability and shame 

International Coaching Federation

Global leading coaching organization providing professional training certifications.

Faith and Culture 

Dr. Heather Holleman

English professor at Penn State, speaker, and author who researches and discusses ways humans can “enjoy better conversations.” Heather regularly shares from her Christian perspective and encourages others to connect with Jesus

Sadie Robertson

Founder of the brand Live Original, Sadie Robertson is a prominent speaker and author to the college-aged and young adult population who regularly shares her faith with authenticity and applies it within today’s cultural context

Keith Webb: Creative Results Management

Doctorate in Intercultural Leadership Development and founder of Creative Results Management, a Christian, cross-cultural coaching company


Dr. Andrew Huberman

Tenured Stanford professor of neuroscience and ophthalmology who regularly researches and discusses neuroplasticity and brain states as well as engages with esteemed professionals of various scientific fields

  • Podcast: Huberman Lab 

    • Ranked #1 in Science, Health, Education, and Fitness podcasts 

    • Topics: Nutrition, exercise, optimal performance, etc

Dr. Robert Waldinger, MD

Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Longest-Running Study on Happiness at Harvard. Dr. Waldinger is also a practicing psychiatrist and psychoanalyst as well as a zen priest 

  • Podcast (featured on TED How to be a Better Human): TED: How to lead a happier, more fulfilling life 

    • Dr. Waldinger discusses his findings in the Harvard Study of Adult Development which include the keys to increasing happiness and overall health in life  

Business and Entrepreneurship 

Jim Collins

Considered one of the 100 Greatest Living Minds by Forbes in 2017. Jim Collins teaches globally on what makes companies great and also teaches in the social, non-profit, and faith-based sectors.

James Clear

Well-known author of NYT bestseller Atomic Habits (more than 10 million copies sold worldwide) and regular newsletter author with over 2 million subscribers 

Greg McKeown

Hal Gregersen

Last but not least…

Below is the link to a playlist of personal development podcasts with these people listed above, and I want YOU to add to it! Click on the collaborative Spotify playlist link below and add in a favorite.


Distracted Driving


The Key to a Happy Life