3 Things I Want You to Know

On Saturday morning, I sat at my desk after breakfast and opened my work communications platform to catch up on messages. As I scrolled through the first message, my eyes were drawn to the bolded words “Be a Leadership Coach- Applications Open for the 2023 Program Year.” Upon further investigation of the program, I discovered that Lululemon highly encourages employees to lead through coaching principles. And the coaching curriculum they utilize is based off of the same organization, the International Coaching Federation, through which I received my coaching certification in May.

With a little over fifty coaching hours under my belt, I have helped clients uncover their true passions and live more closely aligned to their values. Yet recently, my client load has slowed down, and I’m still learning to balance life being married and living in a new city. I have noticed a decrease in my motivation to coach.

I applied to work at Lululemon with the understanding that the company shares my value for personal development, and my discovery on Saturday further proved that to me. Joining a company that recognizes the value of teaching coaching skills further validated my own coaching efforts. I share this story with you for these reasons:

  1. To relate with you in that I believe you and I often desire affirmation that we’re on the right path and dislike that we do not have enough of it.

  2. To serve as a reminder for myself to keep going in this direction, and to have accountability now that I have shared it with you.

  3. To express to you how deeply valuable I believe coaching is.

Learning to live through coaching principles has transformed me. I wholeheartedly believe in coaching techniques because they teach us to foster curiosity through authentic interactions. In many ways, I believe providing others a space to be heard is the path to treating humans with the utmost dignity. Especially today, with isolation threatening many of us to question our reason for existence, I see the principles of coaching a necessary fighting weapon.

What is coaching? Explained here.


The Key to a Happy Life


A Practice Inspired by My Camera Roll